Saturday 2 November 2019

Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Speaks Out

In mid-September 2019, Namely Liberty started publishing a video interview with Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies.1 The interview is broken into four parts, all of which have been included in a playlist further below.

In the featured video above, Vorhies and Maryam Henein, a journalist and functional medicine consultant, discuss Google’s suppression of natural health information from holistic health sites such as with Sayer Ji, founder of — another victim of Google’s censorship.

I also recently interviewed Vorhies for nearly two hours and will release that incredibly detailed video in the near future. In it, he discusses the tactics Google used to intimidate him into submission after they learned he had turned into a whistleblower.

In a recent article, Henein, perhaps best known for directing the documentary film, “The Vanishing of the Bees,” writes:2

“Google has become the digital Thought Police for health content, tampering and manipulating information, and shadow banning health professionals and independent journalists …

I had the honor to interview 39-year-old Zach Vorhies, who served as Senior Software Engineer at Google/YouTube for 8.5 years ... He is Google’s Snowden. He’s a hero in my book.

And if you use Google, YouTube, Gmail, etc you are being impacted. Vorhies turned whistleblower, releasing a cache of internal documents illustrating that Google is NOT a reliable source of information.”

New President Marked a Turn at Google

According to Vorhies, changes at Google first became noticeable in 2016, after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.

“Before Trump won, Google had this mission statement to organize the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful,” Vorhies says.

“After Trump won, they said ‘Well, Donald Trump won because of fake news and Russia hacking the election, so what we need to do is … protect our users from fake news; we need to protect our users from the damaging effects of Russian trolls and bots.”

It didn’t take long before Google got into the business of filtering out what it considered “fake news.” However, as pointed out by Vorhies, “What exactly is fake news?”

Perusing the network available to all full-time Google employees, he discovered a PowerPoint presentation describing what Google deemed fake news, and among the examples, he found news reports of events that had, in fact, happened. In other words, they were not made up events, and therefore, logically, could not be classified as fake news stories.

The discovery led Vorhies to wonder, “Are they trying to filter fake news or are they trying to filter actual news by slandering it as fake news?” As he continued digging, he discovered the existence of a then-secret program called “Machine Learning Fairness.”3

Machine Learning Fairness — The Alteration of Reality

According to Vorhies, this program was slated to be “unleashed onto the world” without anyone’s knowledge. He also claims Google engaged in a deception campaign to make sure people wouldn’t find out about it.

“Project Dragonfly” — a completely fake project — was part of this deception campaign, he says. Its sole purpose was to distract the public from Machine Learning Fairness.

The more he learned about Machine Learning Fairness, the more terrified he got. According to Vorhies, “even if the search results reflected actual reality,” the program claimed “it can still represent algorithmic unfairness,” which would justify “product intervention.”

“In other words, what they’re saying is that if reality is unfair, then they’re going to change the nature of reality in order to make it fair and just,” Vorhies says. He draws parallels between the Machine Learning Fairness program and a number of classic books warning about how a totalitarian regime can take over by seizing control of what constitutes “political correctness” and indeed the overall narrative of “reality” itself.

By 2017, Vorhies had collected some 950 pages of Google documents, which paint a comprehensive picture of what’s really going on. You can find all of those documents on the Project Veritas’ website,4 under categories such as “censorship,” “politics,” “fake news” and “psychological research.”

Once Vorhies discovered that Google was deleting words from its Arabic to English translation dictionary, thereby making one of President Trump’s tweets (which included the Arabic word “covfefe”) appear as pure gobbledygook,5,6 he realized Google was completely out of control.

The lack of sensible translation of that word eventually led to media articles7 accusing the president of insanity, which would be cause for having him removed from office.

“[Google] is literally using magic to manipulate the information landscape of our culture, to remove a president that was elected by a democracy.”8 “This was more than bias, this was now a national security issue,” Vorhies says.9 That’s when he decided to release the documents he’d amassed to law enforcement, the public and media, to give us all “a last chance to course correct.”

The Rise of ‘Technofascism’

As noted by Henein, “Google has become a digital thought police” — just as described in chilling detail in George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.”

“Part of technofascism is to confuse people so their sense of memory is altered,” Henein says. “They don’t know what is real and what is not real. We’re now living in confusing times with fake news and alternative facts, and that is all part of it.”

Vorhies agrees, saying the ultimate plan is to make you doubt your own memory and thus teach you to turn to the established authorities to learn “the facts,” which will be whatever is considered best in the moment. As Orwell wrote in “1984,” “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.”10 That, in a nutshell, is exactly what Google is doing right at this moment.

So, who’s behind this rise of “technofascism”? Henein suspects Big Pharma has a hand in it, considering the fact that drug advertising is a major profit center for Google, and the fact that alternative and holistic news sites have been actively shadow banned, to where you can no longer find them in Google’s search results.

Indeed, the traffic to my own site from Google has dropped by 99.9% since its June 3, 2019, broad core update.11 Vorhies agrees, pointing out that the drug industry by and large own the very organizations that are promoting things that are known to be harmful to health, be it fluoride, mercury amalgam fillings, one-size-fits-all vaccine policies, sugar or junk food.

Google Is Promoting Illness for Profit

The simple reality is that conventional health care is a for-profit business and as such it depends on repeat customers. There’s no money in wellness. The money is in chronic disease.

Promoting disease prevention and low- or no-cost treatments is not part of the drug industry’s agenda — it’s diametrically opposed to and a direct competitor to it. As noted by Vorhies, what we’re seeing is the creation of an artificial demand for products and services that aren’t in our best interest.

Meanwhile, there are countless of examples of inexpensive lifestyle-based strategies putting serious diseases into remission, yet you never hear about them because, as Vorhies points out, “Big Pharma is colluding with Google to shut down these counter-narratives.” In an October 2, 2019, article12 in The Epoch Times, Henein writes:

“What if I told you that social media platforms are manipulating you, steering you toward health information that they think is right, rather than letting you evaluate content for yourself?

Accredited professionals … who stand for health freedom … are losing posting privileges, getting banned or buried, finding themselves deranked, and getting digitally assassinated. Content is literally disappearing from the internet along with our health choices. It sounds conspiratorial because it is.”

Vorhies goes a step further, saying:13

“The censorship that is being applied to alternative health is nothing less than demonic. That may seem extreme, but I’ve been following the happenings in the new cures that are being suppressed.

At the same time, establishment, big corporate pharma websites like WebMD are monopolizing the first page of results. What’s terrifying is that many of these establishment medical articles landing on the first page do not even have a stated author and make assertions that are contradicted by science.”

Google Autosuggestions Reveal the Agenda

If you’re still confused about which way Google is leaning when it comes to certain topics, all you have to do is check out its auto complete feature. This is a list of “suggested” searches that pops up when you type in one or more keywords.

In her Epoch Times article,14 Henein shows a screen shot of a Google search done on September 1, 2019, starting with the words “supplements are.” The list of autosuggestions contained nothing but negative-biased searches, such as:

  • Supplements are bad
  • Supplements are useless
  • Supplements are not regulated
  • Supplements are dangerous
  • Supplements are scams

This is a very effective way to spread propaganda and manipulate people, as most believe that these results are what others are typing into the search engine. This way, they’re lead to believe all the negative and ludicrous attributes being attached to supplements. Interestingly they have not yet rigged the results for my name as they only display benign terms like:

  • Articles
  • Shop
  • Books
  • Wife
  • Products

So, ask yourself, who might benefit from people everywhere believing nutritional supplements are useless at best and dangerous at worst? This auto-completion used to be populated with search terms based on what people were actually searching for, but not anymore.

Now it’s just another social engineering device by Google’s self-proclaimed “thought police” that has no basis in objective reality. It is in fact part of the Machine Learning Fairness program.

What’s worse, hacking of the autocomplete function is also taking place, Vorhies warns in his American Thought Leaders’ interview15 (below), and this becomes really insidious, as people still believe these autosuggestions are a reflection of what’s being searched for. By essentially faking “public consensus,” the fake autosuggestions can have a significant yet hidden influence over people’s opinion.

Google Seeks to Control Political Landscape

Health isn’t the only reality narrative Google is trying to reshape, however. One of the documents released by Vorhies, “News Blacklist Site for Google Now,”16 lists hundreds of websites that Google has singled out for elimination from its Google Feed (previously Google Now), a majority of which are political and financial investment-type sites.

However, false narratives are pumped out to make you distrust those who point out there’s something askew with Google’s political meddling. Henein writes:17

“Take, for instance, this quote on ThinkProgress concerning evidence of Google’s preferential leanings:

‘What appears to be happening is that some conservatives are massively distorting tech companies’ attempts to protect against foreign election interference or restrict the distribution of hateful views, stirring up conspiracy theories that the companies are demonstrating blanket bias against conservatives.’

Nonsense. Don’t believe that the algorithmic changes are being made only to protect you from another ‘rigged’ election or to save you from four more years of Trump. And don’t believe that tech companies haven’t been allowed to cross a line. This is a perfect example of both a red herring and a false narrative.”

In fact, in June 2019, Project Veritas published an undercover video recording in which Jen Gennai, Google’s head of responsible innovation, admits the company is trying to prevent “the next Trump situation.”18

Google’s Power to Shift Elections

Does Google really have the power to shift an election? Gennai certainly seems to believe they do, as does Vorhies and many others. I suspect there’s not a single company in existence that could influence elections as effectively and unobtrusively as Google.

In this American Thought Leaders’ video by The Epoch Times, Vorhies is featured along with Greg Coppola, another Google whistleblower, and Robert Epstein, former editor of Psychology Today, introduced as “a leading expert on Google search engine bias.”

In this interview, Vorhies explains yet other ways in which Google is complicit in censoring individuals. For example, he explains how third parties can eliminate undesirable players through email account spoofing, resulting in the elimination of the target individual’s account.

According to Vorhies, this is a simple “bug” that can be fixed simply by tweaking the artificial intelligence responsible for the monitoring of spam. Yet Google choses to leave the gate open. Vorhies suspects this is exactly what happened to 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.

“It’s not just Google censoring. They’ve got this complicated system of plausible deniability,” Vorhies says. How does this ability to take a person offline connect to Google’s ability to influence elections? Vorhies explains:

“The elections are all about whether someone has free, open and equal access to the channels of information distribution. So, if Tulsi Gabbard is being knocked offline, and other politicians are being knocked offline, then that’s de facto election interference.

And it’s being done by these entities that aren’t registering as lobbyists. So, we’ve got these tech monopolies that are acting as unregistered lobbyists that are making decisions and giving insiders information on how to take down targets. That’s essentially what’s happening. Google is allowing democracy to be hacked.”

Expert on Google Bias Weighs In

By June 2016, Google bias expert Epstein was already hot on Google’s trail, penning an article19 for U.S. News, titled “The New Censorship.”

“How did Google become the internet’s censor and master manipulator, blocking access to millions of websites?” the article asks, pointing out, “The company maintains at least nine different blacklists that impact our lives, generally without input or authority from any outside advisory group, industry association or government agency.”

In the American Thought Leaders’ interview, Epstein stresses the importance of documents leaked by Vorheis showing that not only are Google’s blacklists real — a now provable fact the company has long denied — but they’re also reranking, deranking and fringe-ranking articles, using a so-called “twiddler system” (software that overlays the search engine algorithm) which makes reranking a rather simple affair.

Epstein points out that Google has vehemently denied reranking articles for political purposes, yet Vorhies’ document trove proves otherwise. There’s even a manual for the twiddler system among Vorhies’ documents.

This capability is far beyond what Epstein had thought possible. It didn’t surprise him, however. For years, Epstein has warned about Google’s power to influence opinion.

Now, he says, we have evidence that Google does in fact have the power to manipulate the flow of information and opinion, and we see more and more evidence that they are in fact wielding this considerable power to shape the worldview according to its own wishes. Epstein also expresses concern over the fact that mainstream media are ignoring Vorhies’ and Coppola’s leaks and aren’t reporting on them. 

Google — A Threat to Health, Democracy and Freedom  

While it’s quite clear that I’m on Google’s unacknowledged blacklist, I’m not and will never be willing to change what I believe in and stand for. I will never conform to “consensus reality” just to get my Google ranking back. It’s unfortunate, but the way it stands right now, we have to go old-school and encourage everyone to share information through word-of-mouth, by text and email.

We have built in simple sharing tools at the top of each article so you can easily email or text interesting articles to your friends and family. My information is here because all of you support and share it, and we can do this without Big Tech’s support. It’s time to boycott and share!

Here are a few other suggestions:

Become a subscriber to my newsletter and encourage your friends and family to do the same. This is the easiest and safest way to make sure you’ll stay up to date on important health and environmental issues.

If you have any friends or relatives that are seriously interested in their health, please share important articles with them and encourage them to subscribe to our newsletter.

Use the internal search engine when searching for articles on my site.

Boycott Google by avoiding any and all Google products:

Stop using Google search engines. Alternatives include DuckDuckGo20 and Startpage21

Uninstall Google Chrome and use Brave or Opera browser instead, available for all computers and mobile devices.22 From a security perspective, Opera is far superior to Chrome and offers a free VPN service (virtual private network) to further preserve your privacy

If you have a Gmail account, try a non-Google email service such as ProtonMail,23 an encrypted email service based in Switzerland

Stop using Google docs. Digital Trends has published an article suggesting a number of alternatives24

If you’re a high school student, do not convert the Google accounts you created as a student into personal accounts

Sign the “Don’t be evil” petition created by Citizens Against Monopoly

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